Railing Repairs
Railing Repairs in Sheffield
“Unfortunately there are some cowboys out there in the architectural metalwork game and a lady in Sheffield who is lucky to be alive contacted us to repair some dodgy railings that another company had installed, now that she could no longer get in contact with them….”
Here is an example of what DioMet do not do……..
A lady called Debra contacted us to help provide a solution and repair her balcony railings after their failure nearly led to a very serious injury, or worse. When simply throwing a bucket of water over the edge of her railings, the railing system gave way and the fixings used failed, causing Debra to fall over the edge of her balcony to the concrete patio several feet below.
Upon a site visit, it was clear that the railings had been installed by cowboys / amateurs. The railing sections were connected to the upright posts by just 4 small tek screws- these screws had snapped and caused a serious incident. What was equally worrying, was that the base of the posts were only secured to the balcony roof with 4 small woodscrews.
In order to make the balcony area safe, DioMet proposed a two-stage solution:
Step 1 : Drill through and bolt the panels into place as a temporary fix, to replace the tiny tek screws that were currently used to ‘secure’ the railing panels to the upright posts.
Step 2 : Manufacture and install gallows style support brackets, affixed to the wall beneath. To avoid completely replacing the whole balustrade with a more appropriate solution, the easiest and most cost effective fix was to manufacture and install these additional support brackets, which would stabilise the whole system.
There is no way that the railings were installed by a CE-Certified company, nor could such a product be issued with a declaration of performance and no structural engineer on the planet would surely sign-off such a dangerous design. Debra got off lightly, in what could have been a very serious incident.
Get in contact with us to discuss your balcony railings and balustrade requirements on 0114 243 9009 or email us at sales@diometonline.co.uk
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