Cafe balustrade Middlesex

If you enjoy a cup of coffee and a delicious French pastry in Eastcote, Middlesex then you'll certainly be heading to the extremely popular Patisserie Brione. The patisserie has recently undergone a revamp to the external seating area and with the assistance of DioMet, now has a lovely stainless ste

Transforming a staircase

Renovating or replacing a tired or lifeless staircase into a new elegant centerpiece can be high on the to-do-list of any interior designer, homeowner or developer. Removing timber newels or plastic 'glass' to replace with high quality materials, modern styles and real glass can make a huge differen

Staircase and landing designs

How to get your staircase landing right Staircase landings are far from wasted space- with some simple creative design input, they can be anything but. Your landing area may be a galleried mezzanine or something more modest but there is always a way to improve on tired décor and design flow. Let t

Balcony balustrade Northumberland

DioMet design, supply and install balcony and balustrade products throughout the UK on a daily basis and our latest small domestic project has been completed in East Sleekburn, Northumberland. The glass balustrade chosen was a variation of our ever popular stainless steel and glass balustrade system

Glass canopy Nottingham

Dio-Met have recently completed the design, supply and installation of 8no. modern glass door canopies to a residential housing project in central Nottingham. The glass canopy design chosen for the project was based around our standard T1 modern glass canopy but shorter in projection and complete wi